Want to make contacts with others in the industry? Want to blog for Cisco Devnet? You need to know how to write and communicate! In today’s world, you will often communicate via text and in written form long before meeting people in person. Make the right impression with your writing.
Silvia Spiva is the community manager at Cisco Devnet and has over 50,000 Twitter followers! She knows how to communicate, and in this video, she shares tips on how you can also.
Communication and writing are really important in today’s world.
Twitter: / silviakspiva
Cisco Blog: https://blogs.cisco.com/author/silvia…
Blog: https://techacute.com/author/silvia-s…
Twitter: / ian_chard
LinkedIn: / ichard
Communication, writing, and legacy: 00:35
Blogging and writing well: 2:02
How do I improve my writing: 3:57
Be authentic – really important: 5:50
How can I improve my communication? 7:30
How to market yourself: 9:15
Any recommendations: 11:00
Want to write for Cisco? 12:35
Ian crashes the interview: 13:20
Silvia has 50,000 followers: 13:51
How do you use Twitter to communicate: 14:14
Ian’s experience of social media: 15:17
#CCNA #Communication #SocialMedia
Note: Travel and conference access courtesy of Cisco.